
  • Photo of Blackboard with Homework written on it

    Need Help With Homework?

    • Our online experts may be able to assist with free services. See the  page for help, hours, and links to services.
    • Get for free through the University of Alaska. 
    • Math Camp meets in the library annex on certain Saturdays during the school year. See Ms. Moss in room 65 for more details! .



    Bob Hallinen Bus Photo from ADN


    • All East High students and staff get free rides on all People Mover city buses with their ID badge. Just show your ID when you get on the bus for a free ride! Need help finding which bus to ride?  to go to the People Mover site. Use their Rider Tools to find a route, track your bus, and more.
    •  for ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø School District school bus schedules and routes.
    • King Tech High Transfer Bus Schedule:
      • AM Outgoing – Route/Bus #45 departs East at 7:30 AM - Picks up at the Plaza
      • AM Incoming – Route/Bus #47 arrives at 10:03 AM
      • PM Outgoing – Route/Bus #14 departs East at 10:42 AM - Picks up at the Pool entrance
      • PM Incoming – Route/Bus #38 arrives at 1:55 PM
  • East High Library

    Please visit the library for the many services provided to East HS students! 

    Empty Library

  • Student Links