Programs & Activities

  • students in front of mountains

  • Battle of the Books

    The Battle of the Books is a statewide Alaskan reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Alaska Association of School Librarians.  


    Learn More about Battle of the Books

    Jazz Band

    Jazz Band meets before school, 8:30 am to 9:15 am, M-Th

    The MLMS Jazz Band is an audition only class open to 7th and 8th graders that meets four days a week before school. The Jazz Band travels each Spring with the Concert Band and has earned top awards at national festivals.

  • Video News

    The Video News broadcasts the school news, weather updates, international, national and local news and highlights student participation in academic, athletic, and fine arts programs.


    Learn More about our Broadcasts


  • Spanish Immersion

    The Spanish partial immersion program began at Chugiak Elementary in 1992, is the oldest Spanish immersion program in Alaska, and currently has a K-12 enrollment of roughly 500 students a year.


    Learn More about the Immersion