• Participating employees contribute to a Sick Leave Bank from their own accrued sick leave depending on the bargaining unit. Please see rules/regulations or guidelines for amounts. Employees who have exhausted accumulated leave and have been out for a prolonged absence of at least five consecutive workdays may request withdrawals from a Sick Leave Bank, subject to the Leave Bank committee. Only those employees contributing to the bank may make withdrawals.

  • ACE, APA, and Exempt

    Leave Bank Application
    Rules and regulations for ACE, APA, exempt 

    This sick leave bank committee meets on an as-needed basis. Members can apply by completing the Leave Bank Application form and submitting the form to the leave specialist. For more information, please review the rules and regulations. 



    Leave Bank Application
    Rules and regulations for AEALeave donation procedures for AEA 


    The AEA Sick Leave Bank committee meets approximately once a month; see schedule following. All dates are subject to change. Sick Leave Bank applications must be received by the Benefits Generalist, Leave Management, before the close of business on the Wednesday prior to the Monday meeting date. For more information, please review the rules and regulations.


    Dates for 2024-25 SY

    Monday, August 26

    Monday, September 30

    Monday, October 28

    Monday, November 25

    Monday, December 16

    Monday, January 27

    Monday, February 24

    Monday, March 31

    Monday, April 28

    Monday, May 19

  • Local 71, Custodians


    Leave Bank Application
    Rules and Regulations for Local 71 

    This sick leave bank committee meets on an as-needed basis. Members can apply by completing Leave Bank Application and submitting the form to the leave specialist. For more information please review the rules and regulations. 


    Teamsters 959, Bus Drivers and Attendants

    There is no sick leave bank available for bus drivers and attendants at this time. 


    Teamsters 959, Food Service 

    Leave Bank Application
    Guidelines for Teamsters 959, Food Service 

    This sick leave bank committee meets on an as-needed basis. Members can apply by completing Leave Bank Application and submitting the form to the leave specialist. For more information please review the guidelines. 


    Teamsters 959, Maintenance/Warehouse

    The Maintenance Sick Leave Bank and/or Leave Donations are administered by the . Please contact the union's office for information regarding processing sick leave bank and/or leave donation requests at (907) 751-8519. 



    Leave Bank Application 

    This sick leave bank committee meets on an as-needed basis. Members can apply by completing Leave Bank Application and submitting the form to the leave specialist. For more information please review the guidelines.