Alaska Reads Act

    • Alaska’s Strategic Reading Plan includes six strategic components, all designed to provide support to schools so that all students read at grade level by the end of third grade:


      Strategy 1: Professional Development, including webinar series, in-person courses and the AK Reads symposium

      Strategy 2:
      Evidence-Based Materials, including  and an ELA curriculum adoption initiative

      Strategy 3: 
      Early Learning, including the implementation of the  and 

      Strategy 4: 
      Frameworks for Success, including professional learning communities and a 

      Strategy 5: 
      Science of Reading Resources, Data and Communication, including launching a reading resources page

      Strategy 6: 
      Teacher Preparation, including supporting professional learning requirements


      ASD will integrate these strategies to support our students and meet the promises of Alaska’s Education Challenge.


      Learn more about the state’s 



  • AK Reads Act

    Governor Dunleavy signing Alaska Reads Act, photo by Robert DeBerry (ASD)