• HS Advising Hubs

    (Students must be signed-in to ASD accounts at https://canvas.asdk12.org to interact)


    • Amy Larsen-9: 
    • James West-10: 
    • Joanna Wester-11:
    • Lucas Frost-11/12: 
    • Emily Johnson-9/12  



    • Direct Link: 
    • Login: ASD Username and password (last.first and student ID)


    ALEKS Math

    • Direct Link: 
    • Login: Username and password emailed to you (contact advisor or frost_lucas@asdk12.org)


    APEX Learning

    • You can login through your course shell in Canvas
    • You can also login through 
    • Login: ASD Username and password 


    Middleburry World Languages

    (French, German, Spanish, Latin, Chinese)

    You will have a World Languages class on your Canvas dashboard and will be able to login through it. However, for direct login see below:

    • Username: yourlastnamefirstname (one word)
    • Password: AKstudent ID (AK1234567)
      • Returning students should use the same password from last year


    • Account: PCS15
    • Username: lastname.firstname
    • Password: PCSstudentID