• Searchable Web resources

    These sites provide tools for you to search for the latest disability-related research, resources, and contacts. 


    ED Pubs

    The US Department of Education offers free access to the general public to material listed on this website.


    ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center

    This free service provides a searchable website of more than one million journal articles and education-related materials. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences.


    Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

    This site maintains a wide variety of publications on health and disability topics that can be downloaded directly from the site.


    National Center for Learning Disabilities

    With a focus on learning disabilities, this site provides the tools to search by topic for resources and by state for organizations.


    Northwest ADA Center

    The Northwest ADA Center is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), and is part of the ADA National Network. The ADA National Network Centers are a national platform of ten centers comprised of ADA professionals and experts charged with assisting businesses, state and local governments, and people with disabilities as they manage the process of changing our culture to be user friendly to disability and the effect the variety of health conditions can have on society.


    Center for Parent Information & Resources

    Search for publications, resources, and parent hubs with a focus on children with disabilities.